In the spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday, this blog is going to be a list of all the things I’m thankful for here in Nicaragua!
- The beautiful sunsets that the Lord paints every night
- My team and the way that we’ve grown close
- Chicken kabobs and tajadas (plantain chips)
- Incredible cooks who serve us so willingly day after day
- Mombacho, the awe inspiring volcano in our backyard
- 5 am prayer time to be with the Lord and start my day off right
- New friendships with both people on my squad and from Nicaragua
- Cool showers after a long hot day evangelizing
- The way the Holy Spirit has been doing in our squad through prayer and intercession
- The breeze that keeps us cool day after day
- People who also love to play card games, specifically Rook, Monopoly deal, and spicy Uno
- The lush and beautiful vegetation that surrounds us here on the farm
- The Lord’s reminders to me that He’s in control and I don’t need to be because His way is always so much better
- Rides in the trackbed to ministry every day
- The simple, slow life of Nicaragua
- Prayer room worship time in the mornings that are so sweet and simple
- Squad bonding activities and the laughs we have together
- The ice cream man who comes by every day
- Clean clothes to wear each day
- A loving family at home and here
- Walks to the tienda (a small store) down the road
- Our micro-chruch kids and the way they remind me of doing ministry at church back home
- Colorful birds and the wacky sounds that come with them
- The bread man who rides around on a motorcycle with a big basket of fresh, sweet bread
- Clean water that we can drink at any moment we want so easily
- All the support I’ve felt form people at home
- The church across the street that plays the loudest worship music I’ve ever heard
- Adirondak chairs to sit in
- Deep conversations at the dinner table
- Silly conversations at the dinner table
- The different traditions my squad-mates bring from home
- Clouds that look puffier than cotton candy
- Stops at maxi-pali (the grocery store) to get tubs of ice cream for the ride home from hospital ministry
- The hospitality team and all the events they do to make everyone feel welcomed
- Making cookie dough as a team to enjoy during team time
- The Lord’s goodness that surrounds us day after day
- Heath, that I haven’t been sick much
- Worship music always playing on someone’s speaker
- Days out in town to enjoy good food
- The smell of coffee in the mornings, even though I don’t like coffee
- God’s grace to us day after day
- Leaders who love us well and always put us first
- The horses and cows we encounter while walking to ministry
- Saturday chruch in the pavilion
- Iced tea at lunch and dinner
- Soccer and baseball games to watch on the weekends
- The lagoon where we get to spend a week relaxing and debriefing before we head off to India
- The ability to translate end use this gift I have to bless others.
- 5 more incredible days of ministry here
- Clear skies and bright stars at night
- The fact that this is my life right now and the Lord has me right where He wants me
I know this blog doesn’t share much about what we’ve been doing, but it reminds me that I have so many reasons to praise the Lord
Happy Thanksgiving Day, Emerson! I’m thankful you are going where God leads you!
Happy Thanksgiving 🦃.. So great to hear all of the blessings you are feeling and I know you are a blessing to others. Hugs 🤗
Have being covering you in prayer — Happy Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving greetings from the VanDyke family. We always share around the table what we are thankful for each year before prayer for our meal. Twenty here today and so much to be thankful for. Glad you are able to put it all in words. God bless you as your adventure continues! Love and our prayers ❤️
Thankful we had the opportunity to Facetime you yesterday and catch up on your week in Nicaragua
Thank you for sharing Emerson! It’s such a joy to read the many ways in which God has been faithful to you in this journey. Praying for your continued growth, impact, health, and relationships as you prepare to transition again soon!
My mom would always tell us, “There is always something to be thankful for.” Continued prayers for you and your team Emerson!
So glad to hear that things are going so well. What a blessing you are to those you are ministering too as you travel down the road that God has placed you on. I’m your Dad’s oldest first cousin on the Langstraat side of the family. Grandma Leona was my Aunt. I’ve never met you but visited with your mom while staying with Harlan & Donna for a few days. I rode on the Cedar-Osky-Pella Christian school bus for about 8 years. I’ll add you & your team to my prayer list. Angela Hanson from Arizona!