This week was different than usual, rather than having ministry for five days, we only had 2 days! This kinda threw a wrench in the rhythm I had going. But it has also been a good week. On Monday we went to a crater lagoon which was both fun and restful. On Tuesday we did regular ministry, and on Wednesday my team went to the dump to do ministry there and we also went to our first micro-church! Then on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, we have fasted and spent all day just hanging out and with the Lord. This is my first time fasting and it was an interesting experience.
Going to micro-church was very fun! Each team has a different micro-church that they will go to each week. And my team’s is a children’s bible study that two of our cooks host! It is such a blessing to be able to work with kids and end the day with kids. I can’t wait to keep growing in relationship with these kids and setting an example and learning form them!
As a squad, we are going to be fasting once a month during our time in Nicaragua, and so we did our first fast this week! I have never fasted before and so I didn’t really know how to walk into the fast. My attitude to being with was just completing it and getting through the fast and checking it off the list. But that mentality quickly faded away. Spending all day with God was pretty hard, which frustrated me. Why would I not want to spend all day with the creator of the universe who loves me? It was really frustrating because I want to be able to spend all day feasting on the Lord’s word, but my flesh just could not concentrate and doing anything took so much energy because I was not being filled with food to give me energy. I also realized during the fast that I had put expectations on myself of digging deep in the Word and get a lot out of it. But as the fast went on, I felt the Lord nudging me to just sit in His presence, and just rest with Him. Taking on this posture was hard as I would much rather be doing something and distract myself from just sitting. So I found myself listening to music less and just sitting in Nature, listening to the birds and watching the clouds more.
As much as the fast was frustrating, I was able to slow down and just enjoy time with. And this morning, after having some food, the Lord really spoke to me through Psalm 18. Verses 16-19 says “He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters. He rescued me from my powerful enemy, for my foes, who were too strong for me. They confronted me in the day of my disaster, but the Lord was my support. He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me.” Thinking about this verse right now even makes me teary eyed. I could not be where I am without the Lord, He is the only one who can rescue me from my enemies. And it’s all because HE DELIGHTS IN ME! He doesn’t need me, but He delights in me! Receiving God’s love has been hard for me to do, I know that He loves me and I desire to accept His love, but for some reason, I just can’t let myself accept it. But this verse was a beautiful reminder of God’s love and how when I’m at my lowest, the Lord is with me and will rescue me, all because He delights in me and would never desire harm to touch me.
Prayer Requests
- Continued strength and energy during ministry and translating
- The hearts of those who we preach to would be open to receiving the gospel

I so ❤️ to hear all you are doing. You are doing amazing things for God. You are growing and listening to what He wants and letting Him lead you. What a Blessing 🙌. Keep listening. You are being prayed for 🙏
Hello Emerson!
I love reading your updates every week! It’s interesting to hear how life is so different and the work the Lord is doing with your partnership all over the world.
Wow Emmerson such good honest wrestling with the Lord and yourself! Fasting can be so hard, and stillness! Way to keep leaning in and learning to grow in dependence on Jesus! I am so challenged and inspired by your journey. Thanks for sharing it with us!