Emerson De Vries Blog

Journey on the World Race with Emerson

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In a month, the Lord can do a lot, that’s what I’m learning as I look back on India. But, as it has been through the rest of the race, the Lord has continued to humble me. Which isn’t the most fun experience, but I’m so thankful that the Lord is ridding me of my pride and showing me just how much I must depend on him.

As it is already January and about that time that I start thinking about the future and worrying about what I’m going to do and where I’ll go and all the thoughts that spiral when I start going down that path, surrendering my future was a big theme during India. Now, you’d think that I learned my lesson by changing my plans last April and still being ok, but no, I returned to the worry and trying to figure it all out on my own, not seeking the Lord on it and just trying to go the way that is easiest and seems most logical. But the Lord is not logical, which makes things quite complicated when that is how I like to think. But after all that worrying, I still have no idea what next year looks like, so all that worrying did nothing. But through that, the Lord showed me how much I still rely on myself and do not surrender everything to Him, and he reminded me of Isaiah 46:9, which says, “Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me.” And he reminded me that He made it abundantly clear where I should be this year, so He will make it clear again where I should be next year. But it’s just so easy for me to forget and think that I have to figure it all out. And yet the Lord has grace and reminds me that He’s got it and He holds it all. 

Another area that the Lord worked on while in India was how I live in relationships with others. While working at the community center, I didn’t feel like we were that much help. We tried teaching a class on PowerPoint, but it must’ve been really bad because they never asked us to do it again. We tried teaching English, but again, I don’t feel like we were that helpful. This made “doing my job” quite hard. One thing we did have the ability to do was build lots of relationships with students. The issue for me was that the students were male, and in India, if women and men interact much, it is usually viewed as flirting. So, for me, it was hard to find the balance between respecting the culture but also being the Lord’s hands and feet and living as He would. He broke cultural barriers but always came across lovingly. And I still don’t know what that balance looks like, but I do know that I didn’t grow deep with others because of that. And I think the Lord has more for me in that of learning to walk lovingly but still being his hands and feet and not letting the culture change the way that I love. Part of that is how much value I place in other’s opinions of me, which is a lot, causing me to be embarrassed by many things and not walk in the complete freedom that the Lord has for me.

With so many things, I know the issues I have and the ways I don’t fully depend on the Lord, I know that I fall into people pleasing and judge people sometimes and compare and… but the issue is getting that form head knowledge, to allowing the Lord to take over those spaces of my heart that I still hold onto and let Him change them. And because I know the issues, I just want them to be fixed, I just want God to change me. But that’s not his way, and I’m trying to be thankful for that. He wants to work in the deepest parts of my heart, bringing up ways of thinking and things from my past that cause me to live the way I live. He is so kind and gentle in that process, giving me time and space, not just quickly fixing the issue with duct tape, but getting down to the root and changing me completely.

The other day, I was reading Psalm 103, and verse 4 says that the Lord “crowns you with love and compassion,” and later on, in verse 8, it says “The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.” The very thing He crowns us with! Through that, He showed me that as an heir, or princess, my job is not simply to show up in front of the crowds and look like a princess, but to follow my father’s lead and watch how He rules, knowing that one day, I will rule with him. But as I follow my father, and grow into the crown He has given me, I’m going to make mistakes and mess up, but my father is right there to guide me along correct me, and show me the right way. As I watch my father, I will walk in more compassion and love, because that is how my father walks. And as I do that, His kingdom will move more and more onto the earth through me. And so, right now, I’m learning to walk like my father and watching the way He rules over his kingdom, always in love and compassion, and slow to anger. 

Prayer Requests

  1. Continued conviction from the Lord, that I would allow Him to move in me
  2. Unity in our team as we do ministry in Nepal
  3. Openness for the hearts of those we encounter in Nepal
  4. Daily surrendering to the Lord in all areas of my life
  5. Health, that food would not affect my stomach, and the cold would not affect me


8 responses to “What has the Lord been doing?”

  1. Emerson, it is so wonderful to hear what you have been up to and the way you have been touched by Jesus on your journey. While you are experiencing so many realizations about how you could more fully rely on God I hope you remember how completely he loves you. Some of those ways we want God to change us may take a lifetime and some may not happen until we see him. Don’t let your heart be discouraged- you are such a light for him. I certainly am inspired by your journey and keeping you in prayer. – Tarra Oppewall

  2. Emerson my prayers are with you as you travel to Nepal. Thank you for being so raw and honest. Be encouraged that you are leaving so much space for Him to work and change you. You are such a blessing!

  3. Good morning Emerson. We haven’t met – yet……can’t wait for the day we can but I have visited with your grandma Jane on several occasions in the past and looking forward to visiting with your mom next week. My daughter Jessica went on the World Race in 2010 and as I am praying and thinking about you, it has brought back so many memories. I can relate to you and your mom! As I was reading your post, I was listening to the song that says “Lord, have your way in me”. That’s all we want right? My prayer is that you can take this adventure and mission field that you are on day by day enjoying the good and the bad and that you know you are right where you need to be at this time. Next year will take care of itself. God has plans for you! Anyone that has the courage to do what you are doing and go places that you are going, will be blessed. I hope you can meet Jess some day and you can exchange stories. She still talks of her World Race days and the miracles that she witnessed, the lives changed, the way her life was changed and the beautiful friends and people she met along the way.. It was so hard at times, but through it all, was able to see how good God was through it all. May God continue to bless you and keep you. May His face shine upon you and give you peace.

  4. I am so proud of you !I love hearing all of the adventures that you go on and reading how much you have grown in your relationship with God! LOVE YOU & MISS YOU SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!

  5. The excitement in the eyes of your grandparents when they get to face time with you is so fun to see and then they share what they see and hear from you. Oh the love they have for you is huge!
    God’s love is much bigger and He too is so very proud as He leads you through this year and into the next. He has an amazing plan for your life, you will find that out soon enough. Concentrate on the “now”.
    Our prayers continue for you and hope you feel better very soon.🩷

  6. So glad to be able to read all you have been doing and struggling with. Praying you stay healthy and warm! So glad you are willing to acknowledge all God is doing in your life. Enjoy your adventures and be patient as you wait on answers. Continue to read the scriptures and you will grow and be blessed. Not much snow in Iowa, but lots of extremely cold temps and nasty viruses everywhere. Still praying for you and your friends there….Marvin and Pam

  7. Always love hearing what you are doing and how God is working in and through you. You are doing amazing work. Keep going and be STRONG!! You are on the right path!!

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